Thursday, November 19, 2009

I hurt when Im away from you but when Im near you, you cause me pain.

How does one go about separating them self from something that causes them pain but that they love very much.

So much drama, so much love, so much hatred, so much pain, so much emotion, so much guilt, so much pride, so much connection, so much in common, its too much. There is no equality, no passion, no confiding, no agreeing, only arguing and battling. Even when I agree with you, you fight me. I try to help, to aid, to inspire but you think there is sinister evil thoughts behind my loving actions. You seek to see what I have hidden when I hide nothing. You search for motive behind my loving actions. You hear an evil tone in my soothing sweet voice. You feel hatred in my loving embrace. I show you compassion and see it as a form of weekness. You twist my every word into something it is not just to hurt me and fight me.

I need to be disconnected from you because you cause me pain, but it pains me to disconnect from you. Free me from your guilt trips. Let me loose from you manipulating grasp. I have had enough of you stepping on my fingers while I am hanging from the edge of a cliff. Stop expecting me to make the same mistakes you or my siblings have made. Let me, please, let me make my 'own' mistakes.

Let me go from you hurtful grasp or I will be forced to flee.